Honor Bound

Honor bound, when the fife and drums sound,

To war!

He must defend the country's crown,

While leaders argue, as tensions boil,

Freedom's name, is forever soiled,

But, when the fife and drums sound,

Only then, will the Soldier be bound,

Upon Elysian Fields,

Where great sorrow abounds,

His pride is lost, in liberation's vain.

Forever soiled, in Freedom's great name!

As the fife and drums falls silent!

Upon a crimson morn,

He never condoned such violence,

But, instead he suffered in utter silence,

His wounds so deep, scars so real,

In Freedom's name, his life would be still,

For ever man whose life he did kill!

In Freedom's name...

Originally written: September 27th, 2014 By: AvnSgt

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